Jagdalpur Bridge

Rail Structure Interaction (RSI) Validation For Bridge No. 832 - Jagdalpur (East Coast Railway - India)

Overview of the Structure:

This bridge is constructed on the canal with a composite Girder. The overall length of the bridge is 61.00 m comprising 3 spans.

Scope of Work:

Scope of work includes finding out the following parameters like the interaction takes place due to expansion or contraction of deck and rails under change of temperature, longitudinal deformation of sub structure under braking, tractive forces from rolling stock (locomotive, wagons, other railway vehicles) and vertical bending/flexure of the deck under live loads.


Bridge and track are interlinked, regardless of whether the system used for the track is the ballasted bed or it is directly fastened. Any force or deformation imposed on the track above or close to the bridge structure will result in a force and deformation on the bridge structure or vice versa. So the rail structure interaction study is carried out to work out forces induced on rails, and bridge components due to interaction effects and assess the safety due to these interaction forces.